Dec 30, 2015

How I knew I was going to lose a $200k customer deal

Focus on "winnable" deals to close the year strong.

The article discusses key indicators that signal a sales deal may be failing, emphasizing the importance of recognizing these signs early to avoid wasting time and resources. One major warning sign is when a client requests “more time to make a decision,” which often indicates hesitation or lack of commitment. Other red flags include a lack of alignment with the ideal customer profile, unbalanced value propositions favoring the customer excessively, unreasonable demands from the prospect, and a noticeable lack of trust or transparency during negotiations. Additionally, unfavorable contract terms that expose the company to risks can signal a bad deal. The article advises sales professionals to conduct thorough research and maintain clear communication throughout the process, encouraging them to walk away from deals that do not align with their business goals or present significant risks. By being vigilant and discerning, sales teams can focus their efforts on more promising opportunities that are likely to lead to successful outcomes.

Read the full article here.

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